Professor Dr.Thomas Bernhart is a full-time faculty member in the Division of Oral Surgery at the University of Vienna. After graduating at the University of Vienna, Medical School in 1989, he obtained a special training in Plastic Surgery at Urban Hospital, University of Berlin and completed his residency in dental surgery in Vienna. Since 1992 Dr. Bernhart has been working at the Department of Oral Surgery at the University of Vienna. In 1999 he became Senior Professor for Oral Surgery. The focus of his thesis and research work has been palatal anchorage for orthodontic purpose. Additionally he developed several new surgical methods in implant dentistry. He is a Clinical Instructor in Oral Surgery at the Dental School and in 2002 he was Visiting Professor at UCLA. Additionally he is in private practice for Prosthetics and Implant Dentistry. Professor Bernhart´s clinical research emphasizes on orthodontic implants and aesthetic management in complex dental implant cases. He has published over 45 articles in refereed journals and is co-author of several books.